
1000 Singapores:
Venice Biennale

Singapore Institute of Architects

The Singapore Pavilion, which was entitled ‘1000 Singapores: A Model of a Compact City’, got much media attention at the 2010 Venice Architecture Biennale when it proposed that ‘1000 Singapores can house the entire world population using only 0.5% of the Earth’s entire area’.

To communicate the idea of Singapore as an efficient and compact urban model, H55 created an identity based on the narrative of Singapore as the ‘tiny red dot’. The ‘red dot’ is duplicated to express both the numerals ‘1000’, as well as the fact that the Singapore model can be replicated and exported to anywhere around the world. For the supporting graphics, the 3 red dots were scaled to represent the size of 1000 Singapores and juxtaposed with the world map to further reiterate the curatorial statement.

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